Low-quality permanent make-up

How to recognize low-quality permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup is the most popular and sought-after procedure today.

Many of our customers are interested in how to recognize low-quality permanent makeup and its consequences. It is very good if we are interested in this topic before we have decided in favor of this procedure, but not after a low-quality permanent make-up procedure, when unfortunately it may be too late, and even in some cases it may be too late and too complicated to correct it, because correcting low-quality permanent makeup will require a lot of patience and financial resources to fix it.

Dear women, do not skimp on funds for such very important procedures with the aim of improving and highlighting your natural beauty!

The most common mistakes in permanent makeup, signs of low-quality makeup, which you should know before doing this procedure:

The most common mistakes in the lip permanent makeup procedure:

Contours raised too high
Oblique outline
Too bright outline
Uneven color, or it may even look patchy
The lips have a blue tint
There are scars left
Incorrectly selected pigment

Eye and eyebrow permanent makeup mistakes:

Wrong eyebrow shape, sketch
Too raised eyebrows
Too narrow eyebrows
Too wide eyebrows
Uneven color
Scars remain on the skin
Too dark eyebrows
The eyebrows have a blue tint
Incorrect hair technique
Eyebrows look unnatural
Incorrectly selected pigment
Too wide eye lines
Too drawn out, very thick end of the eye line
Incorrect line sketch and shape
Eye lines have a blue tint
Scars remain on the eyelids

It is possible that the master does not have the relevant experience and knowledge to perform a quality permanent make-up procedure, which should emphasize your natural gifts or enhance what you want to make more beautiful, instead of spoiling it.

Dear women, we conclude from all the above. Why exactly is this happening?

Most likely, the master has insufficient knowledge and skills in color and make-up, which refers to the form and its sketch, and matching the pigment palette, of course, all this depends only on the master’s professionalism.

Also, in the permanent makeup procedure, the wrong pigments, including tattoo pigments, and the wrong equipment have been used.

And another very important moment is the application of permanent make-up, a pigment injection technique that will not leave behind a large swelling, bruise or scar.

In general, the conclusions are that everything depends on the master’s professionalism, his experience and skills, and on the master’s individual technique and methodology, which has been developed for years.

Dear women, protect yourself and your natural beauty, and trust only professionals who love their work, and let’s not forget the masters who have done high-quality permanent makeup for you, given you self-confidence and highlighted your individuality.