In search of a real permanent make-up artist


Micropigmentation, or permanent makeup procedure, despite its ever-increasing popularity, is still full of controversy. Among the individuals who are satisfied with the result, there will also be those women who talk about the decision they made with regret. This time we asked questions to the permanent make-up artist Larisa Spulge.

What are the main mistakes that masters and customers make?

It is with the greatest regret that we must admit that many people judge permanent make-up based on those works that attract the attention of others with artificiality, incorrect choice of colors and shapes. Quality permanent makeup is not visible on the face without a detailed study.

Permanent make-up is not only a cosmetic service, but a whole art – both in terms of artistry and because of the many skills you have to learn in order to take into account the individual characteristics of the client and his skin, and achieve a quality result.

The need for technology to correct and prevent poor quality permanent makeup is no less than the technology for its execution?

Most clients come in with poorly made permanent makeup to get rid of or fix. The result of an unprofessionally performed procedure is a fact that directly reflects on the face, and this reflection should please. I highly recommend contacting professionals in the field of micropigmentation so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation and not have to overpay for correction three times more than for the first permanent make-up procedure.

What equipment and pigments do qualified specialists work with? How important is it in choosing a master?

Qualified masters work only with the best equipment and pigments certified in the European Union. The selection and palette of pigments for an experienced master is the basis of the procedure, and there are many nuances that must be taken into account in order for the result to please the eye. I would like to say that the permanent make-up procedure must be of high quality not only from the point of view of its execution, but also largely depends on the chosen materials and equipment. 

How popular is the permanent makeup procedure in Latvia? Which one is the most popular?

In Latvia, permanent make-up is in great demand, as our compatriots strive to always look great. In my opinion, the most frequently requested procedure is permanent eyebrow makeup. Everything starts with the eyebrows, then the lips and eyes come. There are clients who perform several micropigmentation procedures at the same time, gradually taking the gamble.

Nowadays, decorative permanent makeup (makeup effect – eye line, eye shadow, blush, lips with lipstick effect) is not so popular anymore. What trends are being observed?

Decorative makeup is still in demand. A lot depends on your own taste, style and age. Bright lipstick suits someone, eyeliner in a glamorous style for another, each of us is individual. However, more and more often customers choose a more natural permanent make-up, while later on they want something brighter.

Tell us about the performance techniques?

The techniques of execution are very diverse and their number is huge: powder coating, hair, pixel technique, ombre, nude lips, watercolor, etc. Each master has his own work methods, application techniques, nuances and work style. The methods can be combined with each other, it all depends on the master’s experience. Experienced and professional masters develop their technique and patent it.

A qualitative result of permanent makeup is usually achieved during 2-3 pigmentation procedures. The recommended interval between additional procedures is 1-2 months. Why is it important to respect all time limits?

These temporary restrictions must be observed, as well as all the nuances – skin type, age, skin tone and condition, how quickly the skin renews and regenerates. Young skin regenerates faster than mature skin. It is important to wait the right time to see the result of the procedure and what part of the remaining pigment will “settle” in the skin.

The dye injected into the skin is perceived by the immune system as a foreign body.  Depending on the individual characteristics, the body removes the dye while wearing permanent makeup.  What is the interval between correction procedures?  And is the pigment removed completely?

A month after the basic procedure, correction may be necessary. With professional and high-quality master work, correction may not be necessary at all. On the other hand, sunburns, acids and chemical peels contribute to the release of pigment. However, it is possible to completely remove the pigment only with laser procedures.

How to avoid green (red, etc.) eyebrows? Is it possible to predict what shade the permanent makeup will get after healing?

The permanent make-up master can predict the result of the procedure, however, the result depends on many factors, which I mentioned above: skin tone, regeneration processes and how professionally the master chooses the color, pigment palette, taking into account all aspects. You should have neither red nor green undertones. If a specialist works with quality products and knows the right approach and application, there should be no surprises!